


my name is Lucie Spackova and I am very interested in job as a nanny.

Something about me:

I live in San Francisco with my boyfriend. He got a job here as an architect and I came here to spend time with him. But he is busy a lot so I decided to look for a job. I have a degree from Charles University in Prague at Pedagogical Faculty. I studied Czech and Special Pedagogy, so I prefer work with children. I also tought at basic school in Prague, this job inspired me very much.

I come from family, where I have two younger brother and sister. Sister is about 17 years younger than me (and my brother about 12 years younger), so I know work with toddlers very well.

My mother is a teacher too, I made a singing course for small children at school, where she works.

Thank you very much for your answer, I appreciate a lot.

My phone number: (415) 774–6653

Have a nice day.


Looking for a Czech teacher in the Santa Cruz area


My name is Emily and I found your blog while looking for a Czech teacher in the Santa Cruz area. I am currently living in the Czech Repbulic and have been for the past few months. I was traveling around and found work here and since have fallen in love and have especially enjoyed learning the language. I have been fortunate enough to be in situations without English speakers so in a short time my Czech has developed fairly well. I am potentially moving to Santa Cruz in April for an apprenticeship that will last until October but I have a deep desire to continue studying Czech because I know that I will forever return to the Czech Republic. If anyone could point me to any people or leads as far as teachers or native Czech speakers in the Santa Cruz area I would greatly apprectiate it.



Miss Czech Slovak US

Who will be the 2009 Miss Czech Slovak US? The Miss Czech Slovak US organization (www.missczechslovakus.com) is looking for a representative from the state of California. We are in search of a young lady age 16-26 of Czech or Slovak decent, who wants to become a role model and ambassador for all Czech and Slovaks in the United States. Our organization rewards almost $10,000 in cash and prizes, including a trip to the Czech or Slovak Republic. If you know of a young lady who would like to compete for this prestigious title please contact MaryElizabeth Lackey at mary_eliza@yahoo.com

Thank you,
MaryElizabeth Lackey
Miss Czech Slovak US Pageant Director


Hledam fajn usmevavou divku.

Hledam fajn usmevavou, inteligentni divku, nekuracku s dobrou fyzickou. Pokud jsi hezka tak to je urcite plus ale neni to podminkou, ja verim ze kazda divka je vlastnim zpusobem hezka. Davam prednost hezkemu usmevu, vntrni krase, loajalite a laskavosti. Hledam zenu ktera bere veci s nadhledem ale da se na ni spolehnout, zenu ktera stoji na zemi a umi si uzit jednoducha poteseni kazdodenniho zivota.

Me je 35 let, jsem 192cm vysoky inzenyr. Jsem dobry muz s velkym srdcem a vyborny posluchac kteremu zalezi na dulezitych vecech a nenecha se rozhazet malickostmi. Mam dobre vzdelani, jsem financne zabezpeceny. Pochazim z Ceske Republiky, z Moravy, v USA bydlim poslednich deset let. Vim jak byt uspesny, jsem inteligentni a premyslim dopredu, loayalni, optimisticky, vasnivy a laskavy. Dokazu se zapalit pro dobrou vec, jsem prakticky a verim ze jeden dokaze udelat cokoliv co si umi predstavit.
Jedna z mych vasni je cestovani, rad bych nasel nekoho kdo pojede se mnou! Jsem dobrodruh ktery rad objevuje nova mista, pamatky a pametihodnosti.
Dobre a rad tancuju, polka, swing, waltz a dalsi spolecenske tance, rad bych nasel nekoho s kym protancuju celou noc!
Umim se tesit z drobnosti – zapad slunce na plazi, romanticka prochazka lesem, bezchybny vyhled z horskeho vrcholu, dlouhe polibky pod hvezdnou oblohou, romanticka vecere pri svicce anebo divani se spolecne na film.
Jedina vec ktera mi momentalne chybi je nekdy s kym bych tohle vsechno mohl sdilet. Partnerka v dobrem i zlem, budu tam pro tebe pro Tebe kdyz si potrebuje poplakat na rameni. Vim jak se k zenam chovat s cestne a s respektem. Napis mi a nebudes litovat.

Muj email je: josef141@yahoo.com.



Hledam atleticky tym s trenerem

Dobry den,
me jmeno je Radka a prijela jsem do San Francisca studovat skolu na jeden rok. Rada bych delala tady sport ktery je atletika protoze se tomuto sportu venuji radu let. Rada bych se vas zeptala jestli nevite kde bych mohla delat atletiku v nakym tymu s trenerem. Predem dekuji za odpoved muj mail je: kartousovaradka@seznam.cz



Hi everybody,

Please, visit our new bilingual site www.czechfolks.com to explore Czech history, culture, language, food, and more. This site provides information for all Czechs living abroad and everybody who wants to learn about us. You can find your new Czech neighbors through our social networking list or at events listed on our site. We also welcome other authors or topic ideas.



Ford Focus 2000 na prodej

Jak jiz nekteri vite, bohuzel za kratkou dobu opoustime tento kout sveta a mame tady jednoho nevsedniho Ford Focus 2000 na prodej. Pokud byste meli zajem nebo o nekom vedeli, tak mi zavolejte. Muj mobil je 510.859.5314

Jakub & Zuzka


SF International Children’s Games 2008

Dear Friends of the Czech Community,

This summer, the city of San Francisco, California, is honored to host the 42nd International Children's Games on July 10-15. This spectacular event considered to be the Olympics for children (ages 12-15), from 90 cities, 50 countries, and spanning 6 continents, will converge in this magnificent city for friendly competitions, educational experience, and cultural enrichment.

Our committee has the unique task of searching for volunteer Czech Interpreters to support the delegation from Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic, during the official SFICG events.

I hope you may be able to recommend an immediate person and/or organization that we can further contact to elaborate our needs.

Allan Alcancia
Interpreter/Liaison Volunteer Coordinator (msgrgood@hotmail.com)
SF International Children’s Games 2008
International Delegation Liaison


Czech hockey team in Oakland

Nas team se jmenuje Cross-Czechs, sklajici se z 90% Slovaku a Cechu.
Vek se pohybuje v hranicich mezi 19-65 lety, ve dvou pripadech hraji tata se synem.

Hrajeme v Bronzove lize v Oakland Ice Rink:
519 18th Street
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone# (510) 268-9000

Tato hala ma dve kluziste (nebo jak se to rekne), na jednom se hrava hokej a druhe je pro verejne brusleni.
Telefonem (510) 268-9000 nebo pres Internet (http://www.oaklandice.com) se da zjistit hodiny pro verejne brusleni. Pripadne si muzete zabruslit a pak se jit podivat na nas team.

Statistika a casy utkani najdete na http://stats.siahl.org/display-stats.php?league=27 a pak je potreba kliknout na Cross-Czechs link. Na tomto link najdete take jmena vsech hracu, kolik kdo dal golu, kolik si odsedel trestnych minut.

Po kazdem utkani se schazime na parkovisti s nasimi fanousky, kde probirame prave hrane utkani. Hraci vetsinou donesou neco na zub, jako domaci tlacenku, klobasy, gulas, nebo i obycejne hot-dogy.


Looking for elderly care facility that has the ability to speak to my Grandmother in Czech

Hi there,

I live in San Francisco and I am hoping that you may either have some info that could help me or that you could put me in contact with someone who does.
My Grandmother who is about to turn 94 is living in Florida but she is originally from the Czech Republic. In her old age she is having trouble remembering to speak English and her caretakers are having trouble understanding her. My parents and I are hoping to find an elderly care facility somewhere in the U.S. that has the ability to speak to her in Czech. My parents provide the majority of her care but they work full time and are finding it hard to keep up so she is living in an elderly care facility.

If you know of anyplace or anyone I might contact regarding this type of thing I would be very grateful! Also if you could list my note on your website for other readers to see that would be a great help.

Thanks for your website, it is a great resource!
I hope you are well, Sincerely,
Jessica Tudor