


my name is Lucie Spackova and I am very interested in job as a nanny.

Something about me:

I live in San Francisco with my boyfriend. He got a job here as an architect and I came here to spend time with him. But he is busy a lot so I decided to look for a job. I have a degree from Charles University in Prague at Pedagogical Faculty. I studied Czech and Special Pedagogy, so I prefer work with children. I also tought at basic school in Prague, this job inspired me very much.

I come from family, where I have two younger brother and sister. Sister is about 17 years younger than me (and my brother about 12 years younger), so I know work with toddlers very well.

My mother is a teacher too, I made a singing course for small children at school, where she works.

Thank you very much for your answer, I appreciate a lot.

My phone number: (415) 774–6653

Have a nice day.


Looking for a Czech teacher in the Santa Cruz area


My name is Emily and I found your blog while looking for a Czech teacher in the Santa Cruz area. I am currently living in the Czech Repbulic and have been for the past few months. I was traveling around and found work here and since have fallen in love and have especially enjoyed learning the language. I have been fortunate enough to be in situations without English speakers so in a short time my Czech has developed fairly well. I am potentially moving to Santa Cruz in April for an apprenticeship that will last until October but I have a deep desire to continue studying Czech because I know that I will forever return to the Czech Republic. If anyone could point me to any people or leads as far as teachers or native Czech speakers in the Santa Cruz area I would greatly apprectiate it.



Miss Czech Slovak US

Who will be the 2009 Miss Czech Slovak US? The Miss Czech Slovak US organization (www.missczechslovakus.com) is looking for a representative from the state of California. We are in search of a young lady age 16-26 of Czech or Slovak decent, who wants to become a role model and ambassador for all Czech and Slovaks in the United States. Our organization rewards almost $10,000 in cash and prizes, including a trip to the Czech or Slovak Republic. If you know of a young lady who would like to compete for this prestigious title please contact MaryElizabeth Lackey at mary_eliza@yahoo.com

Thank you,
MaryElizabeth Lackey
Miss Czech Slovak US Pageant Director