
Czechmate diary

Ahoj vsichni / Hi Everyone,
I would like to invite you a new blog called the "Czechmate diary" which I created specifically for Czechs/Slovaks/ Czech-Americans living in the US. Check it out! The blog is bilingual and is divided into many interesting categories such as "czech activities in the US", "Czech news", famous "Czech-Americans", "travel", "recipes", "my stories"... something for everyone. Check it out!
The website address is: http://www.czechmatediary.com/

Chtela jsem vam prestavit muj novy blog, ktery je urcen presne pro lidi, jako jsme my: Cesi/Slovaci zijici v USA (take Cecho-americani jsou vitani a kdokoliv kdo se zajima o nasi kulturu - blog je dvojjazycny). Myslim, ze si tam kazdy najde svoji oblibenou kategori (jako je co "ceskeho" se deje kolem USA, ceske novinky, vareni, historie, trocha ceske politiky, historky...). Take se tam muzete zapsat na "contacty na Cechy zijici v USA" a popripade si na tomto listu najit vaseho ceskeho "souseda".
Tak tady to je: http://www.czechmatediary.com/

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