Hledam maminky s detmi zijici v Santa Cruz nebo v okoli SC. Mam 2 deti, holcicku ktere jsou 3 roky a chlapecka 7 mesicu.
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Ahoj Simono,
Skoda, ze bydlime tak daleko.
Jana, San Ramon
ahoj simono,
mame take dva prcky.
2.5 letou holcicku a 3.5 leteho chlapce.
zijeme v "kruzich" (circles) na westside.
Ahoj Simono,
jestlize pujdes na www.czechmatediary.com tak tam pod categorii "Czech contacts in the USA" najdes docela hodne maminek...hodne stesti!
My jsme bohuzel taky od tebe nahoru kus, ale nevadi, radi jezdime na vylety a je fajn mit pratele na hodne mistech:)
Nasemu Lukasovi je 14 mesicu a zaciname s nim krome anglictiny cesky (po mne) a nemecky (po tatovi).
Rada bych, aby mel ceske kamarady.
Klidne se ozvete, Simono nebo ostatni, a muzeme se nekdy sejit.
Pouzijte prosim:
East Bay/SF by bylo pro nas nejlepsi na nejake castejsi setkani.
Ahoj I am Czech and speak fluently, though my Czech is limited to a first grade education and so I write much better in English. I have gone back many times to visit my grandparents and so I speak well. I live in Santa Cruz with my daughter. Please feel free to contact me, I would love to speak Czech with someone other than my Mom.
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