
Czech bakery

I was wondering if there's a Czech bakery in the Bay Area, esp. East Bay. A friend's father misses hoska bread and I'd like to track some down for him by Christmas. Thanks!


Megan Lynch said...

I sent the original question to BayCzech. I still have not found a local source. Sykora Bakery in Iowa will send them by mail order but they're in the middle of a big renovation so they probably won't be able to do it this year. http://www.sykorabakery.com

I guess I'll have to make them myself again this year. Although I'm an Irish-Italian-American and have no passed-down Czech folkways!

Anonymous said...

As long as I know, there is no Czech bakery yet, but there is a Czech store in NY that ships their orders as well. I don't know if they make housky, but you can try to contact them. I was there three years ago, so hope they are still in business.
It is called I Love NY and the ph# is
(718) 497-5778
Good Luck & Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

You may want to check out Little Prague in Davis - they have a bakery section as well.


Anonymous said...

I have a recipe for Czech houska. I can send it to you but I also plan to post it in my blog.

You can also buy bread in Panera that is similar to Czech bread: