my name is Adele Bojanovska and I´m looking for a job (server, bartender...). I´m from the Czech Republic and i am 20 years old. With my partner we are going to San Francisco in June 2010, so we are looking for a job, because we have to finance our living in San Francisco for 3 months. Can you help us in a way to find a job? I can send you our CV and all that you need.
Thanks for your reply.
Kind regards
Adele Bojanovska
Dobrý den,
jmenuji se Adele Bojanovská, s přítelem hodláme v červnu 2010 na 3 měsíce vyjet do San Francisca a potřebujeme nějaké zaměstnání, abychom v SF mohli normálně přežít. Všimla jsem si při hledání na internetu vašich www stránek a nabadlo by mě, jestli byste nám náhodou nějak nemohla s najitím práce pomoc. Osobně mluvím ještě německy (jsem rodilá rakušanka) a tím pádem jsem poslala pár dotazů i do rakouských a německých restaurací v SF. Myslíte si, že by se mohla najít io nějaká práce třeba v českých restauracích?
Moc děkuji za odpověď.
S pozdravem
Adele Bojanovská
Cafe Prague is looking for a waiter / waitress
Cafe Prague is looking for a waiter / waitress for its locations in San Francisco downtown and in Mission. Preferably Czech or Slovak speaking.
Should you or anyone you know be interested, e-mail cafeprague@earthlink.com or call 415-627-7464.
Should you or anyone you know be interested, e-mail cafeprague@earthlink.com or call 415-627-7464.
Looking for a nanny job
I live in San Francisco. I moved to US 4 years age to be an au-pair. I took care of 2 children and live with American family for one year. I am a citizen of Czech Republic. Please let me know of any job possibility.
Thank you,
Dagmar Dvorak
Thank you,
Dagmar Dvorak
Looking for babysitting job in San Francisco Area
My name is Dagmar Dvorak. I recently moved to San Francisco Bay Area. I came to USA as an au-pair. I took care of 2 children and lived with American family for 1 year. I am fluent in Czech and English. My experience as a nanny is: cooking,cleaning, helping children with homeworks, playing with children, etc. I would be interested in babysitting children in San Francisco Area. Please contact me if you are interested. Thank you.
Dagmar Dvorak
Dagmar Dvorak
Joalis, s.r.o. hledá regionálního zástupce pro USA
Česká firma Joalis, s.r.o. hledá regionálního zástupce pro USA v Bay Area. Joalis se zabývá výrobou informačních detoxikačních preparátů jedinečného charakteru. Jejich Metoda řízené detoxikace slaví úspěchy jak v Čechách, tak i v jiných státech Evropy. Teď se otevírá brána také do USA.
Místo regionálního zástupce bude na plný úvazek. Osoba ucházející se o práci by měla mít vztah k alternativní medicíně, 3 letou zkušenost s trhem (kontakt s terapeuty, lékárnami..), perfektní angličtinu (čeština není nutná).
Více informací mohu poslat zájemcům v emailu.
Podrobnější info o Joalis najdete na www.joalis.cz (region UK je v angličtině).
Zároveň bych velmi uvítala, kdyby se mi přihlásili lidé, kteří o tuto metodu mají zájem, ať už proto, že by ji chtěli využívat ke svému zdraví, nebo se chtěli vyškolit coby budoucí terapeuté.
Marika Berman
Místo regionálního zástupce bude na plný úvazek. Osoba ucházející se o práci by měla mít vztah k alternativní medicíně, 3 letou zkušenost s trhem (kontakt s terapeuty, lékárnami..), perfektní angličtinu (čeština není nutná).
Více informací mohu poslat zájemcům v emailu.
Podrobnější info o Joalis najdete na www.joalis.cz (region UK je v angličtině).
Zároveň bych velmi uvítala, kdyby se mi přihlásili lidé, kteří o tuto metodu mají zájem, ať už proto, že by ji chtěli využívat ke svému zdraví, nebo se chtěli vyškolit coby budoucí terapeuté.
Marika Berman
"Beauty in Trouble" available on DVD October 6, 2009
"The title of director Jan Hřebejk's masterful Czech drama, set soon after the Prague floods of 2002, is taken from a poem by Robert Graves, but Beauty in Trouble applies just as well to Marcela (played by a wonderful Geislerová) She's a resilient mother married to a gruff guy (Roman Luknár) who runs a chop shop. (The sex is hot, the apartment spare.) Then, long story short, he's clapped in jail. And she gets involved with a wealthy vintner (Abrhám) who takes her and her kids to Tuscany. This is a film of uncommon subtlety, fluidity, and specificity of character — so here's to the good subtitling, too. Grade A- "
By Lisa Schwarzbaum, Entertainment Weekly
Order your copy now at http://www.menemshafilms.com/beauty-in-trouble.html
Information about this film, and other high quality art films distributed by Menemsha Films, is also available at our website.
Heidi Oshin
Menemsha Films
213 Rose Ave., 2nd Floor
Venice, CA 90291
By Lisa Schwarzbaum, Entertainment Weekly
Order your copy now at http://www.menemshafilms.com/beauty-in-trouble.html
Information about this film, and other high quality art films distributed by Menemsha Films, is also available at our website.
Heidi Oshin
Menemsha Films
213 Rose Ave., 2nd Floor
Venice, CA 90291
Interested in a Czech folk music band
My names is James Gudeli. I am a member of a Croatian Folk Music Ensemble called Sidro. We will be performing in San Francisco in November and we are interested in finding a local Czech or Slovak folk music act that might be willing to perform at the event. The purpose is to showcase different types of ethnic music to highlight differences and similarities. Here is link to information about the event:
If you know of a band that will be in the area and might be interested in performing, please send me their information. Cordially,
James Gudeli
My names is James Gudeli. I am a member of a Croatian Folk Music Ensemble called Sidro. We will be performing in San Francisco in November and we are interested in finding a local Czech or Slovak folk music act that might be willing to perform at the event. The purpose is to showcase different types of ethnic music to highlight differences and similarities. Here is link to information about the event:
If you know of a band that will be in the area and might be interested in performing, please send me their information. Cordially,
James Gudeli
Selling Housecleaning/Housekeeping business
Selling Housecleaning/Housekeeping business in East Bay Area. Clients located in Danville, Diablo, Lafayette, Martinez, Oakland, Castro Valley, Pleasanton, San Ramon and Walnut Creek. Most residential, 1 commercial. End of July 2009. For more details please contact deboro66@yahoo.com
Denisa and Bohous
Denisa and Bohous
Poptavka po praci v SF
chystam je v rijnu do SF a potreboval bych nekde v okoli sehnat praci, i kratkodobou. Nemam zadne konkretni pozadavky, co za praci by to melo byt, potrebuju jen z neceho platit bydleni. Budu rad za kazdy tip nebo kontakt.
Predem dekuju za jakoukoliv odpoved :-)
Ondra Kozak
V priloze posilam sve CV.
Predem dekuju za jakoukoliv odpoved :-)
Ondra Kozak
V priloze posilam sve CV.
With $26,500 in awards, the 2010 Sir John M. Templeton Fellowships essay contest is now accepting submissions, and we invite college students and junior faculty members to enter! And, the winners of the 2009 Sir John M. Templeton Fellowships will be announced in October.
In addition, I am writing about some special programs here at the Independent Institute that we hope will be of interest to students:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you very much again!
David J. Theroux
Founder and President
The Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621-1428
510-632-1366 phone
510-568-6040 fax
In addition, I am writing about some special programs here at the Independent Institute that we hope will be of interest to students:
- Interested in the news media and advancing the ideas of liberty in public debate? The Independent Institute is currently seeking a Publicity Assistant, a full-time, paid, entry-level position at our headquarters in Oakland, Calif.
- Students are invited to explore the fascinating world of the ethical and economic principles of free markets and free societies at our Challenge of Liberty Summer Seminar, August 10-14, in Oakland, Calif. A blend of lectures, multi-media presentations, and class discussion, this highly popular seminar equips students with a fine-tuned understanding of the ideas of liberty and the world they will soon enter.
- Interested in learning how a leading think tank advances its mission of improving public policy? Students are encouraged to apply for the Independent Institute’s Internship Program and learn about Publicity, Marketing, Development, or Publishing/Information Technology.
- Want to stay tuned to the latest developments in on liberty in public policy and network with others?
- Connect with the Independent Institute by becoming a Fan via Facebook, and please invite your friends, family, and associates to do likewise.
- Follow the Independent Institute on Twitter.
- Please also join with us and post your comments on The Beacon, our fearless new blog dedicated to fostering bold and innovative public debate and appreciation for the ideas of individual liberty, market economies, personal responsibility, and the rule of law. Bloggers include Robert Higgs, David Beito, Peter Klein, Jonathan Bean, Anthony Gregory, Mary Theroux, William Shughart, Randall Holcombe, and others.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you very much again!
David J. Theroux
Founder and President
The Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621-1428
510-632-1366 phone
510-568-6040 fax
Memories of Slovakia
Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Washington, DC and the Friends of Slovakia are planning a special art exhibition at the Slovak Embassy in November to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution and to recognize Slovak artists whose paintings are now in the United States. We hope you will participate.
The exhibition, Memories of Slovakia: Slovak Paintings in American Collections, will showcase works by established Slovak artists now owned privately by Slovak Americans and others with ties to Slovakia. The exhibition will run from November 7, 2009 to mid January 2010.
We invite you to participate in this event by lending up to three (3) works from your personal collection. The paintings – oil, watercolor, or mixed media – should be no larger than 1 m x 1 m (40” x 40”). Although the Embassy does not carry insurance coverage for its exhibits, security is excellent. You may, however, wish to check that your insurance covers your paintings while on loan as is the case with many homeowners’ policies. The Embassy will store, hang, and display the paintings. Participants are asked to deliver their selected works to the Slovak Embassy prior to October 15th.
Please submit one form for each painting, along with a color photograph, to Michal Pavuk at the Slovak Embassy (see address on the attached form). The deadline for receipt of submissions is August 28, 2009. A committee of Friends of Slovakia art experts will review all proposals to ensure both high quality and broad representation of Slovak artists. We also ask that all participants prepare a brief statement of the painting’s provenance, how it was acquired and what it means to the collector.
We hope all the exhibitors will join us here in Washington for the exhibit’s festive opening on November 7th. We will recognize your participation in the program and in person. And, we encourage you to talk with the guests about your entries.
Thank you very much for your support. We look forward to working with you on this important event commemorating the Velvet Revolution and the close ties of friendship and culture between the United States and Slovakia,
Peter Burian
Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to the U.S.A.
Theodore E. Russell
Founding Chairman, Friends of Slovakia
U.S. Ambassador (Retired)
Proposal form
The exhibition, Memories of Slovakia: Slovak Paintings in American Collections, will showcase works by established Slovak artists now owned privately by Slovak Americans and others with ties to Slovakia. The exhibition will run from November 7, 2009 to mid January 2010.
We invite you to participate in this event by lending up to three (3) works from your personal collection. The paintings – oil, watercolor, or mixed media – should be no larger than 1 m x 1 m (40” x 40”). Although the Embassy does not carry insurance coverage for its exhibits, security is excellent. You may, however, wish to check that your insurance covers your paintings while on loan as is the case with many homeowners’ policies. The Embassy will store, hang, and display the paintings. Participants are asked to deliver their selected works to the Slovak Embassy prior to October 15th.
Please submit one form for each painting, along with a color photograph, to Michal Pavuk at the Slovak Embassy (see address on the attached form). The deadline for receipt of submissions is August 28, 2009. A committee of Friends of Slovakia art experts will review all proposals to ensure both high quality and broad representation of Slovak artists. We also ask that all participants prepare a brief statement of the painting’s provenance, how it was acquired and what it means to the collector.
We hope all the exhibitors will join us here in Washington for the exhibit’s festive opening on November 7th. We will recognize your participation in the program and in person. And, we encourage you to talk with the guests about your entries.
Thank you very much for your support. We look forward to working with you on this important event commemorating the Velvet Revolution and the close ties of friendship and culture between the United States and Slovakia,
Peter Burian
Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to the U.S.A.
Theodore E. Russell
Founding Chairman, Friends of Slovakia
U.S. Ambassador (Retired)
Proposal form
Looking for a native speaker to help us learn correct pronunciation
I am a member of Solstice (www.solsticesings.com), a female vocal septet based in the Bay Area which focuses largely on world music. We are currently working with local composer Amy X. Neuberg on a Song Cycle she has composed using recipes in several European languages, one of which is Czech. We are looking for a native speaker to help us learn correct pronunciation. This could be done in person or via a spoken recording of the text. Please contact info@solsticesings.com if you are interested in helping us represent this language accurately. Thanks so much in advance.
Krista Enos
I am a member of Solstice (www.solsticesings.com), a female vocal septet based in the Bay Area which focuses largely on world music. We are currently working with local composer Amy X. Neuberg on a Song Cycle she has composed using recipes in several European languages, one of which is Czech. We are looking for a native speaker to help us learn correct pronunciation. This could be done in person or via a spoken recording of the text. Please contact info@solsticesings.com if you are interested in helping us represent this language accurately. Thanks so much in advance.
Krista Enos
Cafe Prague is looking for a waiter / waitress
Cafe Prague is looking for a waiter / waitress for its recently opened locations in San Francisco downtown and in Mission. Preferably Czech or Slovak speaking. Should you or anyone you know be interested, contact cafeprague@earthlink.com
Czech classes in SF
My name is Wiley, I'm a local glass artist and am currently applying for graduate study at an art school in Prague. Though the school does not require it, I would like to try to learn a little Czech before I go. Even if I don't get into the school I would still like to learn the language as so many of the worlds great glass casters are Czech. I looked into a language course at CCSF but they didn't offer one, and when I looked up Czech classes in SF your site was one that popped up. I was wondering if you knew of anywhere that taught beginner Czech. Any assistance you could provide would be most appreciated.
Wiley Jackson
Wiley Jackson
Jak uzivate cesky jazyk?
Dobry den, prijela jsem na mesic do Redwood City a mym zajmem jsou jazykove biografie. Proto by pro me bylo velice zajimave slyset Vase vypraveni, jak jste v US uzivali Cj a jak jste se ucili Aj a co napr Vase deti - zda jeste Cj ovladaji a jake maji moznosti se Cj ucit. Zajima mi take otazka Cj / zda je Cj uzivana vyhradne jako domaci jazyk, nebo tez jako cizi jazyk. Pokud je kdokoli z Vasi skupinky ochoten se mnou hovorit, prosim, kontaktujte mi: katka.cerna@email.cz
Looking for dancers to perform on annual Flower Show in theme of "A Bohemian Garden."
My name is Stephanie and I work in the special events department for Macy's in San Francisco. I am looking to hire a group of dancers to perform for our annual Flower Show event that takes place for two weeks in April. This year's theme is "A Bohemian Garden." Does your group perform any Bohemian/Traditional Czech style dancing? If not, do you know of a group that does practice this type of dance? I am not too familiar with dance and would appreciate any help you can give. Thanks!
Stephanie Morgan | stephanie.c.morgan@macys.com
Coordinator | Macy*s Special Events
170 O'Farrell St., 11th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
Fax: 415.954.6677
Stephanie Morgan | stephanie.c.morgan@macys.com
Coordinator | Macy*s Special Events
170 O'Farrell St., 11th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
Fax: 415.954.6677
Dear collegues!
We are looking for real estate professionals and property managers speaking Czech or Slovak language in California to send referrals to.
Please email us at info@bayczech.com.
Please indicate where are you located, what areas do you service and any specialties you may have.
Thank you.
Andrea, Broker Associate, Property Manager
We are looking for real estate professionals and property managers speaking Czech or Slovak language in California to send referrals to.
Please email us at info@bayczech.com.
Please indicate where are you located, what areas do you service and any specialties you may have.
Thank you.
Andrea, Broker Associate, Property Manager
Help with Czech translations
I am looking for someone in the Walnut Creek area who could help me with Czech translations (by phone to Czech and documents)
My father came from the Ostrava region, so I learned only a few words/phrases at home. We spoke Russian at home (mom was Serbian) and they chose it as our common language.
Thank you for your help
Alex Malinovsky
Talk for our evening class about any aspects of Czech culture, social issues, language, customs, cuisine, etc.
I am a professor at Dominican University of CA in San Rafael. I am leading a class that will involve a trip to Berlin and Prague over Spring Break in march, and I wondered whether your group might have anyone available to do a short (45 mins. to one hour) talk for our evening class about any aspects of Czech culture, social issues, language, customs, cuisine, etc.
If so, what type of conpensation would be expected?
Thanks so much for any help you can offer.
Matt Davis
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