Ahoj vsichni / Hi Everyone,
I would like to invite you a new blog called the "Czechmate diary" which I created specifically for Czechs/Slovaks/ Czech-Americans living in the US. Check it out! The blog is bilingual and is divided into many interesting categories such as "czech activities in the US", "Czech news", famous "Czech-Americans", "travel", "recipes", "my stories"... something for everyone. Check it out!
The website address is: http://www.czechmatediary.com/
Chtela jsem vam prestavit muj novy blog, ktery je urcen presne pro lidi, jako jsme my: Cesi/Slovaci zijici v USA (take Cecho-americani jsou vitani a kdokoliv kdo se zajima o nasi kulturu - blog je dvojjazycny). Myslim, ze si tam kazdy najde svoji oblibenou kategori (jako je co "ceskeho" se deje kolem USA, ceske novinky, vareni, historie, trocha ceske politiky, historky...). Take se tam muzete zapsat na "contacty na Cechy zijici v USA" a popripade si na tomto listu najit vaseho ceskeho "souseda".
Tak tady to je: http://www.czechmatediary.com/
Hledam maminky s detmi zijici v Santa Cruz nebo v okoli
Hledam maminky s detmi zijici v Santa Cruz nebo v okoli SC. Mam 2 deti, holcicku ktere jsou 3 roky a chlapecka 7 mesicu.
I would like to either learn Czech or Slovak
I found your website on the internet. I am of Slovak descent and would like to either learn Czech or Slovak. I plan to visit there next summer. Can you provide advice. My father attended Charles University in Prague.
Thank you.
Peter Prisegem
Thank you.
Peter Prisegem
Czech local contacts / assist for new student
Andrea & BayCzech group,
I came across your name on the BayCzech website and I would appreciate any assistance you can suggest.
I am sponsoring my cousin in Czech Republic to come study here on a student visa. She is set for Las Positas College in Livermore (I live in Pleasanton) and she has completed all of her visa application paperwork. Her embassy interview is next week on Wednesday.
I'm wondering if your group includes any Czech students or members who might have any suggestions for a successful interview from their experience?
Also, I'm interested to know if there are members or other Czech contacts in the East Bay area who might help welcome her after she comes in December. She is fairly fluent in English. Las Positas College does not have any Czech students currently, so looking for options that may help ease any adjustment or for social contacts.
I came across your name on the BayCzech website and I would appreciate any assistance you can suggest.
I am sponsoring my cousin in Czech Republic to come study here on a student visa. She is set for Las Positas College in Livermore (I live in Pleasanton) and she has completed all of her visa application paperwork. Her embassy interview is next week on Wednesday.
I'm wondering if your group includes any Czech students or members who might have any suggestions for a successful interview from their experience?
Also, I'm interested to know if there are members or other Czech contacts in the East Bay area who might help welcome her after she comes in December. She is fairly fluent in English. Las Positas College does not have any Czech students currently, so looking for options that may help ease any adjustment or for social contacts.
Czech language tutoring
Hello! I'm writing in the hope that you can help me find someone who would be willing to provide me with some very basic instruction in the Czech language. I would just like to have some idea of the alphabet and pronunciation, to start with, but I have no idea where to find someone to teach me.
I can be reached by phone (510-289-2288) or via email at any time. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you so much for your kind assistance!
Kathleen Hunt
Attorney & Counsellor at Law
I can be reached by phone (510-289-2288) or via email at any time. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you so much for your kind assistance!
Kathleen Hunt
Attorney & Counsellor at Law
Podvodni pouzdro na fotak
Cauvec do ameriky, nevite prosim o nekom kdo by jel nejpozdeji do 20. rijna do CR? Pojedu do Egypta na surf a na potapeni a schanim podvodni pouzdro na fotak, ktery do CR jeste nedorazilo :-( .
Short term accommodation in San Francisco
Hi, we are 2 people, currently in San Francisco. We are looking for two weeks accommodation somewhere, please can you help us? Regards Tomas Zeman tomas.zeman@wirenode.com
Petice proti výstavbě golfového hřiště v Klánovickém lese.
Pomozte zachránit 30 tisíc stromů v největším pražském lese - v Klánovickém lese!
Kvůli výstavbě dalšího pražského golfového hřiště se má vykácet nejcennější chráněná část Klánovického lesa. I když je pro Vás Klánovický les místně vzdálený, jako precedens rozhodování o přírodě, kvalitě života a jeho udržitelnosti Vám bude stejně blízký jako nám.
ZDE je petice, pod kterou se můžete podepsat, Chceme získat alespoň 30 tisíc podpisů (za každý strom jeden hlas) a zastupitelům Prahy ukázat nesmyslnost podobných projektů.
Michal Štůsek
Kvůli výstavbě dalšího pražského golfového hřiště se má vykácet nejcennější chráněná část Klánovického lesa. I když je pro Vás Klánovický les místně vzdálený, jako precedens rozhodování o přírodě, kvalitě života a jeho udržitelnosti Vám bude stejně blízký jako nám.
ZDE je petice, pod kterou se můžete podepsat, Chceme získat alespoň 30 tisíc podpisů (za každý strom jeden hlas) a zastupitelům Prahy ukázat nesmyslnost podobných projektů.
Michal Štůsek
Looking for roommate
Nice home within walking distance to SJSU
Young married couple (I am Czech) with no children have available room with its own bathroom in new modern 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms house in walking distance to downtown San Jose. We are looking for, preferably, female roommate. We are easy going, friendly, relaxed couple. We keep our house clean and cozy and we would expect the same form you. There is no smoking in the house but backyard is o.k. Our hose has fully equipped spacious kitchen (dishwasher, microwave etc...), sunny backyard, cable TV/DSL, Water and garbage included.
If you are interested please call Katerina for more details 408-391-7301
Thank you Katerina

Young married couple (I am Czech) with no children have available room with its own bathroom in new modern 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms house in walking distance to downtown San Jose. We are looking for, preferably, female roommate. We are easy going, friendly, relaxed couple. We keep our house clean and cozy and we would expect the same form you. There is no smoking in the house but backyard is o.k. Our hose has fully equipped spacious kitchen (dishwasher, microwave etc...), sunny backyard, cable TV/DSL, Water and garbage included.
If you are interested please call Katerina for more details 408-391-7301
Thank you Katerina

Short-term housing in San Francisco
my name is Alena and I am from Slovakia. I have been in Boston for last year in the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program funded by the U.S. Government. Now I am doing my internship in Boston till the end of 2007. I am planning a trip to San Francisco from August 30 till September 3.
I am looking for an accommodation close to the downtown as I do not drive. I wonder whether you might know some Czechs, Slovaks or about other possibilities to find some housing there.
Thanks a lot in advance.
my name is Alena and I am from Slovakia. I have been in Boston for last year in the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program funded by the U.S. Government. Now I am doing my internship in Boston till the end of 2007. I am planning a trip to San Francisco from August 30 till September 3.
I am looking for an accommodation close to the downtown as I do not drive. I wonder whether you might know some Czechs, Slovaks or about other possibilities to find some housing there.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Looking for room to rent
just moved recently to SF from Prague to study 8 month programme at Aspect College. I'm looking for furnished/unfurnished room in a apartment with max. 4 roommates (could be sublet or temporary)
Hoping to keep the price tag 650 and under but will consider to change that for the right people/place. My school is at the Financial district area so I would like to find some place close public trans., Muni or Bart. Don’t know the area yet, so good advice is always welcome.
I am mature, very easy going, fun to be around with, respectful, not moody and NO drama. Sometimes I like to hang out, to go for a beer or good vine, watch movies home, into culture, music and art, like to cook.
I try to be clean, contribute to the household, always pay my bills on time, and respect other roommate’s privacy. I do recycle and conserve energy in the house, but don't worry; I don't push other people to do so. I don't bring parties home.
Your age, gender, orientation is not an issue. Just be a good human and no drama. Don’t care if you smoke or drink twice a week - that is your personal thing. Just looking for laid back, clean, friendly and creative roommates. Cats and dogs and other lovers are ok. I don't smoke.
Please e-mail me or call me at (925) 330 8976.
Hope to hear from you soon.
just moved recently to SF from Prague to study 8 month programme at Aspect College. I'm looking for furnished/unfurnished room in a apartment with max. 4 roommates (could be sublet or temporary)
Hoping to keep the price tag 650 and under but will consider to change that for the right people/place. My school is at the Financial district area so I would like to find some place close public trans., Muni or Bart. Don’t know the area yet, so good advice is always welcome.
I am mature, very easy going, fun to be around with, respectful, not moody and NO drama. Sometimes I like to hang out, to go for a beer or good vine, watch movies home, into culture, music and art, like to cook.
I try to be clean, contribute to the household, always pay my bills on time, and respect other roommate’s privacy. I do recycle and conserve energy in the house, but don't worry; I don't push other people to do so. I don't bring parties home.
Your age, gender, orientation is not an issue. Just be a good human and no drama. Don’t care if you smoke or drink twice a week - that is your personal thing. Just looking for laid back, clean, friendly and creative roommates. Cats and dogs and other lovers are ok. I don't smoke.
Please e-mail me or call me at (925) 330 8976.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Google is hosting an Eastern and Central Europe Engineering Open House Event.
If you know engineering professionals from any company -- that are originally from the Central & Eastern Europe
and they are looking for job opportunities in the Europe, please send email to ibalak@gmail.com.
Please send name, contact information, company, title and potential country of interest to Igor.
and they are looking for job opportunities in the Europe, please send email to ibalak@gmail.com.
Please send name, contact information, company, title and potential country of interest to Igor.
Hledam rommate
Room in the Presidio with an amazing ocean view, only 2 people in 3br The rent is $880 a month and includes parking and utilities, except gas bill. There is a deposit of $900. This clean and bright 3 br apartment with hardwood floors and balcony is in a beautiful natural and quiet setting. It has a dishwasher and garbage disposal. The third room is an office. About me: I am grounded, creative, professional female exploring alternative ways of living and healing. I work downtown couple of days a week for a SF-based investment bank. Few days a week I work out of my home office. I balance my life between mediation and activities: dancing, biking, skiing, tennis, hiking and am often away. Please call Simona from Brno, Czech Republic (415)290-9242
CZ playgroup
Ahoj rodice v SF Bay Area,
Zajimalo by me, jestli tu jiz existuje playgroup v Cestine nebo podobny club pro Cesky mluvici rodice a deti? Hledam neco pro meho skoro 2leteho chlapecka.
Najdou se eventuelne taci, kteri by o podobne aktivity meli zajem?
Diky Jana
Jedete nekdo v nejblizsi dobe do Cech?
Ahoj krajane,
jedete nekdo z Vas v nejblizsich mesicich do Cech? Chinaski si tady neco zapomneli a byli by moc radi, kdyby jim to nekdo co nejdrive privezl.
Ja letim v cervenci a to je na ne pozde.
Dejte prosim vedet Andree na 408-621-4921.
Diky Andy
jedete nekdo z Vas v nejblizsich mesicich do Cech? Chinaski si tady neco zapomneli a byli by moc radi, kdyby jim to nekdo co nejdrive privezl.
Ja letim v cervenci a to je na ne pozde.
Dejte prosim vedet Andree na 408-621-4921.
Diky Andy
Free dental exam, free dental X-rays and $200.00 for qualified candidates.
Dental licensee from Bay Area (San Jose) is screening candidates for Dental Board Exam. If interested in receiving free dental exam, free X-rays and $200.00 for qualified candidates please call Monika
Tel: 408-355-8840
San Jose, CA
(Speaks Czech)
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